Create a Raptor Flowchart that calculates the amount a person would earn over a period
of time if his or her salary were five cents the first day, ten cents the second day, and so
on doubling each day.
Your program should:
1. Request the number of days.
2. Display a table showing what the salary is for each day
3. Display the total pay
Sample Output (inputs in bold)
Please enter the number of days you will be working? 5
Day Pay
1 0.01000
2 0.02000
3 0.04000
4 0.08000
5 0.16000
Your total pay is 0.310000
MY QUESTION: I am having trouble finding a math equation that will double the pay for each day. I fiqured out how to get the sum and list the days but I just can't find a math formlua that will calculate the pay so that it will double each day; please help.