• Create a 4- to 6-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of the content for the learning packet by addressing the following points:
o Choose a reliable Internet site and review the content to ensure that it is appropriate for the age group and the social studies class.
o Provide the URL for this site.
o Compile a series of questions to guide the students as they review the site.
o Determine how students are assessed. For example, do students write a summary of what they found at the site? Draw a map or picture to illustrate a location or concept they learned about at the site? Answer questions about the significance of information found at the site? Conduct an imaginary interview with a person they read about at the site?
o Include an introductory slide; the URL and questions to guide the students; the type and details regarding an assessment; and a concluding slide.
are they talking about this like on a slide put the general goals, objectives, required materials, step by step procedures each on their own slide?
2 answers
" Include
an introductory slide;
the URL and questions to guide the students;
the type and details regarding an assessment;
and a concluding slide. "
You still have to cover all the other points somehow.