This site should get you started.
Create a 3-5 page Request for Proposal (RFP) for bringing in outside trainers to train staff on the use of Microsoft Office® programs.
# General overview of the RFP
# The business requirements for the project, including the specific items (products and services) on which the suppliers are bidding and any information on costs.
# Due date of the proposal (proposal deadline)
# Instructions on how to submit proposal and method of submission, including name and address of corporate contact as well as format requirements (e.g. certified mail, # of copies required, etc.)
# Instructions on who to contact with questions (e.g. via email, phone, fax)
# Selection process (describes how the vendor will be selected including any evaluation criteria)
5 answers
i thank you for the help, but other question how do i being it i'm not that that good in this.
The first thing you need to do is study that site carefully and take notes on it.
If there's something you don't understand there, please copy and paste that specific part here. We can help you understand a few phrases.
If there's something you don't understand there, please copy and paste that specific part here. We can help you understand a few phrases.
You are not very good at it? You get better with practice. We can't, and won't, do it for you.
We can't help you, we can't, and won't, do it for you. The first thing you need to do is study that site carefully and take notes on it.
You are not very good at it? You get better with practice. We can't, and won't, do it for you. The first thing you need to do is study that site carefully and take notes on it.
If there's something you don't understand there, please copy and paste that specific part here. We can't help you understand a few phrases.
You are not very good at it? You get better with practice. We can't, and won't, do it for you. The first thing you need to do is study that site carefully and take notes on it.
If there's something you don't understand there, please copy and paste that specific part here. We can't help you understand a few phrases.