couls u paraphrase this for me?

No person is an island, entire of itself. every person is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as will as if a promotory were, or if a manor of thy friend, or of thine own were were Any persons death disminishes me, because I am involved in human kind. And there fore never send to know for whom the bell toles: it toles for three

5 answers

Take each sentence and briefly restate its meaning. That is how to paraphrase. If you need further information on John Donne's poetry try this site.
ive triedddd restating and looking up the vocabulary i understand itss meaning but to me it still doesent make sence
Donne is saying that every person is very important because I'm involved with everyone in the world.
Every individual is an important part of all humanity. If one person is damaged then the entire human race is lessened. This is why it is important that we all treat one another with care and respect.

That entire quote is a metaphor to compare mankind to a piece of land. If you blow up one part of that land, you are not just hurting that one place, you are damaging the possibilities that exist in the whole.

For instance, if Jonas Salk had been killed before he discovered the polio many other people would have suffered.
many cause he wouldent exsist to discover the polio vaccine so the answer is that one quote correct!!! thank u so much for the help i apreciated it