Pour des nourritures = for some foods? This is not usually plural nor is it usually partitif. For the food = Pour la nourriture, etc. Then are you buying a piece of cake or a cake? = un gâteau.
As for drinks, I would not use the partitif = rather than "for some drinks" = "for the drinks" = Pour les boissons
Again, my foods? or my food? = ma nourriture.....supermarket is masculine = au supermarché.
Without the English, I'm not sure what you are trying to say in the next-to-last sentence. My party is about to start? = SIMPLIFY, for example, My party is going to begin soon. = Ma fête va commencer bientôt.
As for a grade, I have no idea the grading scale of your teacher. I would have given it a B-. Then of course, is this French I or French II?
Sra (aka Mme)
Could you please check this to make sure it's right. We are supposed to write in paragraph form what we would buy for a party, who we would invite, and where we would buy the food at. Could you please give me a grade on it (I'm in ninth grade and it's supposed to be 7-8 sentences)
Ce weekend je vais donner une fête. Je vais inviter mes amis et mes cousins. Pour des nourritures je vais acheter des sandwiches, des frites, et de gâteau. Pour des boissons je vais acheter des cocas et des limonades. Je vais acheter mes nourritures et mes boissons à la boulangerie et à la supermarché. Ma fête est à peu près commencher. Nous allons nous amuser.
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