Could you please check these sentences, please? Thank you.
1) The thieves stole a lot of things but they didn't damage the house.
(turn this sentence into the passive/this is part of a test:
A lot of things was/were stolen by the thieves but the house wasn't damaaged.
2) case it may/might rain (is it a mistake?)
3) As to your summer courses, I still have to see how many of my students from the fourth classes may want to come to your school on their own.
4) In point of fact, the parents of the younger students won't send them to your school without the presence of at least an accompanying teacher from Italy.
3) I think it would be best on the one hand organize a school student exchange for next autumn and on the other hand see the number of students who would be interested in spending an academic year at your school.
4) I'll take for the challenge: food, drinks and one compass.
5) On/over my yellow T-shirt there is the competition's sponsor. I'm wearing a black coat over/on (both possible?) a black dress.
6) I have a rucksack on my shoulders in which I put everthing I need on the challenge: a tend, a compass, and extra clothes. I've got a sleeping bag and a backpack (is a mistake, better: I will also take/carry ...... on the Challenge)
7) I will wear black trousers with a lot of pockets, a short-sleeved round-neck (crew-neck?) plain T-shirt, a zip-up, long-sleeved hoodie with some pockets, a pair of walking sticks and a backpack, where I'll put all the necessary (all the things I need), such as an up-to-date map, a compass, a tend and some food.
8) I might wear my hair tied at the back in a pony tail or in a bun.
1 answer
(turn this sentence into the passive/this is part of a test:
Many things were stolen by the thieves but the house wasn't damaaged.
2) case it may/might rain (is it a mistake?)
No mistake. For the most part, "may" and "might" seem to be interchangeable these days!
3) OK
4) In point of fact, the parents of the younger students won't send them to your school without the presence of at least one accompanying teacher from Italy.
3) On one hand, I think it would be best to organize a student exchange program for next autumn and, on the other hand see the number of students who would be interested in spending an academic year at your school.
4) I'll take for the challenge: food, drinks, and one compass.
That's correct, but rather awkward. It'd be better to say, "I'll take food, drinks, and a compass for the challenge.
5) On my yellow T-shirt, there is the competition's sponsor. I'm wearing a black coat over a black dress.
6) I have a rucksack on my shoulders in which I put everthing I need on the challenge: a tend, a compass, and extra clothes. I will also take/carry ...... on the Challenge.
But I don't know what "a tend" is.
7) I will wear black trousers with a lot of pockets, a short-sleeved crew-neck plain T-shirt, a zip-up, long-sleeved hoodie with some pockets. I'll carry a pair of walking sticks and a backpack, where I'll put all the things I need, such as an up-to-date map, a compass, a tend, and some food.
a tend = ??
8) OK