Could you please check these sentences and tell me if they make sense.

Write five sentences in which you address changes in your writing.

1. With practice, I have gotten better at grammar and punctuation.
2. Working with a study group has made my sentence structure better.
3. Recognizing verb tense has become easier.
4. I have become a better writer.
5. Before starting this class I was bad at run on sentences

4 answers

The only thing I'd change is number 5. How about?

I now recognize run-on sentences and don't use them any more.
1. I have learned how to use correct grammar using subject and verb agreement to improve my writing.

2. I can use the source of a dictionary to learn the meaning of words.

3. Punctuation in my writing tells a lot about the sentence and the meaning of words.

4. Learning how to use the correct verb tense has improved.

5. Proofreading over my writing before submission has improved.
Could you let me know if these are correct?
Write 5 sentences in which you address
changes in your writing:
1) Working with a friend has made my sentence structure better.
2) I now recognize run-one sentences,and try not to use them.
3)I still get confused on some things.
4) Verb tense has become easier to understand.
5) My grammar is a lot better since starting this class.
@glenna yes they sound good