Careful with #3. What do YOU (could be plural, you-all) do? WE or if you thought they were addressing you formally = I. Since Nos. 1 & 2 use the familiar tu form with you, I would assume #3 is asking about "all of you" = WE.
If you have difficulty in answering questions, follow these steps:
1. translate into English
2. answer first in English
3. now do the French and check carefully
Sra (aka Mme)
Could you please check these answers thanks so much.
Directions: give own answers
1. Qu' est-ce que tu fais comme langues? Du français? De l'espagnol?
Answer: Je fait du français.
2. Et tes copains, qu'est-ce qu'ils font comme langue(s)?
Answer: Ils font de l'espagnol.
3. Qu'est-ce que vous faites en maths? De l' algèbre? De la géométrie? De la tigonométrie?
Answer: Vous faites de l' algèbre.
4 answers
1. Je FAIS, not "je fait"
Thanks, kl = I never noticed that one!
Sra (aka Mme)
Sra (aka Mme)
Just one thing :
In French, you always leave a space between the last word and the question mark.
"langues? Du français? De l'espagnol?"
"langues ? Du français ? De l'espagnol ?"
In French, you always leave a space between the last word and the question mark.
"langues? Du français? De l'espagnol?"
"langues ? Du français ? De l'espagnol ?"