Could someone please check this for me. I had to rewrite the following sentence using a direct object pronoun in two different ways.

I wrote:
Nosotros queremos leerlos.
Los hosotros queremos leer.
Thank you for checking

3 answers

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.
Here are your two choices:
1. After an infinitive and/or a gerund (-ndo form), but be careful that you might need an accent mark. Yes, adding anything to an -ndo but usually only if there are 2 object pronouns added to an infinitive. (an indirect plus a direct)

2. In the usual position BEFORE the conjugated verb. CAUTION: That does not mean in front of the subject pronoun, as in your second sentence.

Nosotros LOS queremos leer.
or, as you have it in the first:
Nosotros queremos leerlos.

Nosotros queremos leerLOS.
Nosotros LOS queremos leer.