Could someone help me with these questions. . . please

1. How does Rutherford’s model of the atom account for the back – scattering of alpha particles directed at the gold leaf

2. The higher the energy level occupied by an electron in the hydrogen atom, the larger the atom. The diameter of the atom is proportional to n2, where n=1 labels the lowest, or “ground” state, n=3 is the third state, and so on. If the atom’s diameter is 1x10-10m in its lowest energy state, what is its diameter in state number 50? How many unexcited atoms could be fit within this one giant atom

3. Briefly describe the Bohr model of the atom. What is Bohr’s key idea (involving matter waves) that makes the Bohr atom have discrete
energy levels?

3 answers

I have answered these before. Please do some independent research to verify my answers. Google is a good start. Your text might be a good second place, although it it mentions Bohr's matter waves, I would toss the text without hesitation, as I stated before. It was DeBroglie who much later than Bohr postulated matter waves.
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