1. Yo me senti muy bien.
5. Yo estudie en la escuela.
6. (Im am guessing this question was ment to ask you what did you eat last week or what did you eat yesterday) not sure. So I would just say Yo comie arroz con pollo. (rice with chicken)
Could some one please check these-I had to answer them in the past tense which is still confusing me-I think most of them are correct-Thank you
1.¿Comó te sentiste ayer?
Yo sentí muy bien.
2. ¿Adonde fuiste ayer?
Yo fui al cine.
3. ¿Adonde fue tu mama ayer?
Mi mama fue a la tienda.
4. ¿Visitaste a tu familia la semana pasada?
Sí, yo visité mi familia la semana pasada.
5. ¿Donde estudiaste ayer?
Yo estudié al escuela.
6. ¿Qué comiste la semana ayer?
I don't know what this is asking-what did I eat last week? I'm not sure how to answer this
4 answers
Doesn't senti and estudie need accents over the i and e in the past tense?
Please refer to your later post which I just corrected. DdiamondPrm did a good job but YES, me sentí and estudié - both with accents!