Differential diagnoses include:
Diabetes, adult-onset
Cholelithiasis, acute
You don't use a colon after a verb.
Endocarditis, subacuteTerry Brazelton, MD is an expert in pediatrics.
If you need help with your postoperative care be sure to let us know.
http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm -- See #3.
The package was delivered to your home in Everett, Washington by UPS.
http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm -- See #4
The new heart clinic is located at 555 NW First Street, Seattle, Washington 98104.
He arrived at the hospital with a heavily bleeding gunshot wound.
Differential diagnoses include:
Diabetes, adult-onset
Cholelithiasis, acute
Endocarditis, subacuteTerry Brazelton, MD is an expert in pediatrics.
It should snow in the winter, not spring.
If you need help with your postoperative care be sure to let us know.
The motor vehicle accident, however, was not the patient's fault.
The package was delivered to your home in Everett, Washington by UPS.
It was an exhausting, complicated surgery.
2 answers
Do not use a colon in this sentence.
Differential diagnoses include
Diabetes, adult-onset Cholelithiasis, acute Endocarditis, subacute (what goes here?)
Put a comma after postoperative care.
Comma after Washington.
Differential diagnoses include
Diabetes, adult-onset Cholelithiasis, acute Endocarditis, subacute (what goes here?)
Put a comma after postoperative care.
Comma after Washington.