Coping strategies that help you protect yourself from difficult feelings are often referred to as "defense mechanisms" or "coping mechanisms." These strategies can vary and may include:
- Avoidance: Steering clear of situations or conversations that trigger difficult emotions.
- Denial: Refusing to accept reality or facts about a situation to avoid painful feelings.
- Rationalization: Justifying feelings or actions with logical reasons to make them more acceptable.
- Displacement: Redirecting feelings or reactions from the source of stress to a safer target.
- Suppression: Consciously pushing difficult feelings out of awareness.
- Repression: Unconsciously blocking out painful thoughts and feelings.
- Substance Use: Using drugs or alcohol to numb feelings.
Healthy coping strategies, on the other hand, involve more constructive approaches, such as seeking support, practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical activity, or utilizing stress management techniques. It's important to recognize which strategies you use and to seek healthy methods for dealing with difficult emotions.