To convert 1650 to a decimal and a percentage, we can approach it as follows:
Decimal: To convert a whole number to a decimal format, you can simply place a decimal point at the end of the number (1650 becomes 1650.0). However, if we divide by 1000 (to convert it into a fraction of something larger), you get 1.650 or just 1.65 depending on the context.
Percentage: To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, if you take 1650 and consider it as a percentage of 1000 (or some other scale), you can say that (1650 / 1000) * 100 = 1650%.
Given that none of the provided answers correspond to the conversions achievable from "1650", it seems there might be a misunderstanding in the expected operation.
However, it appears you might want to check the initial descriptions to see if they relate to something being 1650% or 16.50%.
To conclude, based on the answers, if "1650" was wrongly stated and meant to represent something else with options provided, then a review might be needed.
But if we properly format "1650" for decimal and percentage:
- Decimal: 1650
- Percentage: 165000%
Nonetheless, if you require specific clarity on a division or context for conversion, please clarify it!