To convert 1650 to a decimal and a percentage, we first need to understand what it's being converted from. Assuming it's being converted from 100:
Decimal Conversion:
- To convert to a decimal, we divide by 100 (if it's part of a whole):
- \( 1650 / 100 = 16.5 \)
- To convert to a decimal, we divide by 100 (if it's part of a whole):
Percentage Conversion:
- To convert to a percentage, we multiply by 100:
- \( 1650 \times 1 = 1650% \)
- To convert to a percentage, we multiply by 100:
However, without context, if we treat 1650 as a whole number representing 100%:
- As a decimal, it remains \( 1650 \) (representing the whole).
- As a percentage, it would be \( 1650% \).
Based on the typical conversion (assuming basic context):
- Decimal: \( 16.5 \)
- Percentage: \( 1650% \)
None of the provided options are correct for a straightforward conversion context, but 34 and 3,400% could apply in another context (if errors were made in the provided data).
If you clarify the original context of "1650," I can provide a more accurate answer.