Content and Development
170 Points
Points Earned
Additional Comments:
The student covers all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.
· Reviews the three business problems identified in Week Six paper
· Develops technology solutions to the identified business problems at Club IT
· Prepares technology plan according to the sample provided in Appendix F
· The paper is 1,750 to 2,100 words in length.
The student is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.
The student develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience.
The student links theory to relevant examples and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.
The student states major points clearly with specific details, examples, or analysis; and organizes logically.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
Readability and Style
40 Points
Points Earned
Additional Comments:
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied.
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
40 Points
Points Earned
Additional Comments:
The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendixes, follows APA formatting guidelines.
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines.
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation.
Spelling is correct.
Here is my essay. Will you proofread it and give me advice? I am really bad with using transitions and I have not written my conclusion yet. Maybe you can help me there. My essay is due Sunday 27th at midnight.
Club IT Part 3
Amanda Kaye Preston
XBIS 219
March 27, 2011
Jayson Sayer
Club IT Part 3
Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada graduated with degrees in Business Administration and decided to follow their dreams and open a nightclub. Club IT has high ceilings and high energy lighting that creates an ambience of fun and energy. The nightclub focuses on music such as hip-hop, techno, electronic, MP3, live bands, and some top 40’s thrown in. Ruben and Lisa run the office and all financial aspects of the business, but need help in information management. As a result, they hired an intern to help improve information management. The intern found three business problems which are: the nightclub does not have a dashboard, the website and internet connection needs to be improved, and the supply chain needs improvement. She has developed a technology solution that would create more profit which could lead to a second Club IT. She also prepared a technology plan that consists of seven criteria which are: organization description and demographic information, goals and strategy, professional development, assessment needs, the budget, evaluation, and inventory. Let’s take a closer look at the first three business problems and their solutions.
The first problem is Club IT does not have a dashboard. A dashboard will provide Ruben and Lisa with rapid access to timely information and direct access to management reports (Rainer, 2009). With a dashboard in place Club IT should make more profits due to receiving the reports quickly and the capabilities of the digital dashboards. The second problem is the website and internet connection needs to be improved. To improve the speed of the internet Lisa and Ruben have agreed to get wireless broadband technology. The new service is extremely quick and since most of Club IT’s customers are mostly Net Generation and Millennials they will enjoy being able to access the internet on their Web-enabled mobile phones. The nightclub’s website also needs to be improved to meet the demands of their customers. All four types of e commerce have been added to the website. Adding e-commerce will boost sales and increase the customer base. Customers can buy merchandise and tickets through Club IT’s website by using B2C and m-commerce. Ruben and Lisa can pay their employees through B2E and buy supplies through B2B. Another ability that was added to the website is customer feedback. Customer feedback is vital to the success of a business. With feedback Club IT will know what the customers like and dislike. Club IT will be able to see their weak spots and make improvements. The third problem is correcting the supply chain by adding a supply chain management. Employees and the owner currently order supplies manually which means there are numerous ways to make an error. Implementing a supply chain management would make it easier to manage supplies, reduce human errors, lead to greater productivity, lower costs, and reduce inventory. A SCM system can reduce uncertainty and risks by decreasing inventory levels and cycle time and improving business processes and customer service (Rainer, 2009). Implementing a SCM also involves an interorganizational informational system that involves information flows among two or more organizations. The intern has suggested sharing information along the supply chain to solve common supply chain problems and improve demand forecasts. After the intern identified three business problems and developed a technology solution she then prepared a technology plan.
The first criteria of the technology plan are Organization and Demographic Information. People in the organization consists of: two owners which are Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada, one assistant manager, four bartenders, six waitstaff, two stewards, two short-order cooks, and four security men. The organization serves the community ages 21 and up because alcohol is consumed and sold on the premises.
The second criteria are Goals and Strategy. The short-term goal of Club IT is to make profit and create a customer base. The long-term goal is for Club IT to be successful not only now, but in several years to come and to one day be able to open a second Club IT. Information systems will help achieve these goals by handling vast amounts of information, performing intricate calculations, and controlling many simultaneous processes that humans are not well suited for. Information systems will such as ERP and TPS will relay information from one functional area to another and TPS will monitor, store, collect, and process data from the nightclub to inform Ruben and Lisa how the business is doing. A dashboard will provide Ruben and Lisa with swift access to important information and direct access to management reports (Rainer & Turban, 2009). With a TPS they will be able to keep track of quantities and cost of food and beverage operations, marketing campaigns, concert events, and payroll. All of the people in the organization will benefit from OASs. For an example, the assistant manager can make schedules and create word documents using OASs. Business intelligence will provide Ruben and Lisa with current and predictive views of business operations as well as historical. BI will support better decision making therefore Club IT will have a better chance at being successful. Another very important information system that will help Ruben and Lisa achieve their goals is electronic commerce systems. Electronic commerce system is a type of interorganizational information system that will allow organizations to conduct internet based transactions. Most of Club IT’s customers are Net Generation and Millennials, therefore, they will be using e-commerce and m-commerce frequently. It is very vital that Club IT has e-commerce and m-commerce will boost sales and hopefully expand the customer base.
The third criterion is Professional Development. Ruben and Lisa will learn the new system then they will teach the assistant manager who will teach the employees. The assistant manager will work one on one with the employees until they are confident using the new system. The employees will be scheduled to come in on days off or off hours to learn the new system. The assistant manager will train one bartender, waitstaff, steward, and short-order cook. Then he or she will train the other employees in that order until everyone is comfortable using the system. It is important that at least one employee of all job descriptions are able to use the new system. Time is very limited when it comes to training new employees on a completely different system especially when you have 18 employees to train not counting the assistant manager and the owners. The staff will learn only their functional area unless Ruben and Lisa say otherwise. All of the employees except the security guard will learn how to use the TPS and OAS. The security guards will not be running a register so they will not need to learn how to use the system. The staff will learn how to use the TPS and OAS and will integrate it into their work because they have no other option. It is a requirement that they understand and use the two basic organizational information systems.
The fourth criterion is Assessment of Needs. The current technology environment at the organization is slow internet access. There is not any information about the previous technology other than the slow internet speed. Club IT will invest in a wireless broadband technology which is significantly increase their internet connection. Having a bad internet connection could compromise Club IT’s performance in all business aspects. Ruben and Lisa will subscribe to Bloomberg LLP. Bloomberg LLP is a privately held company that provides a subscription service that sells financial data, analytic software to leverage the usefulness of these data, trading tools and news (Rainer & Turban, 2009). The owners will use Bloomberg keyboard which is color coded to display the desired information on the computer screen. The proposed services and systems that will be purchased and installed to meet Ruben and Lisa’s goals are: wireless broadband technology, ERP, TPS, OAS, BI, E-commerce, M-commerce, and subscribe to Bloomberg LLP. It will take approximately six months to implement these services and systems.
The fifth criterion of the technology plan is The Budget. The budget for Club IT is $28,269 which is the NPV. The intern has decided to lease the applications because she thinks it will save the company money in the long run. Software is extremely expensive and it is likely to become obsolete in a short period of time. Another way to save money is to outsource or use application service provider. An application service provider is an agent or a vendor who assembles the software needed by enterprises and packages the software with services such as development, operations, and maintenance (Rainer, 2009). Leasing from ASP’s offers reduced expenses in the initial development stage, reduces the cost of software maintenance and upgrading, and Club IT could select another software product from the vendor to meet its changing needs, therefore making it more competitive by being able to adapt quickly to the changing market. The best use of the funds is to lease from ASP’s.
The sixth criterion is Evaluation. In the beginning of Club IT Ruben and Lisa made an IT architecture which is a plan of the information assets and a guide to current operations as well as a blueprint for future directions. They constructed an organizational strategic plan which states Club IT’s overall mission, goals, and steps necessary to reach those goals. They also constructed an IT strategic plan which is a set of long-term goals that describes the IT infrastructure and identifies the IT initiatives needed to achieve the goals of Club IT (Rainer, 2009). The first step in the IT strategic plan is it must be aligned with the organizational strategic plan. Second, provides IT architecture that enables user, applications, and databases to work together seamlessly. Third, it must efficiently allocate IS development resources among competing projects so that the projects can be completed on time and within the budget and have the required functionality (Rainer, 2009). It is important to go over the organizational strategic plan and the strategic plan at least once a year to make sure the business is on the right track.
The final criterion for the technology plan is Inventory.
1 answer
"needs to be improved" = need (again "they" need = plural)
"needs to be improved." = need (since this is a common error for you, always check subject and verb agreement = that both are either singular or plural)
"Information systems will such as ERP" = delete will = Information systems such as ERP, etc.
"use application service provider." = use an application, etc.
Make sure each new topic has its own paragraph. That was not very consistent.
The "conclusion" will reiterate your thesis.