I see you working with Ms Sue below:
Think about a parabola and a cubic
y = a x^2 + b x + c
y = a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d
parabola changes direction once, either sheds water or holds it, two roots
cubic changes direction twice, three roots - s shaped
Consider two types of nonlinear equations. What unique quality does each possess and how does that quality cause the graph's unique shape? Name two unique examples of these shapes in real-world situations
would someone please let me know what they get for the answer and i ask this because i really need help with this and it is the last lesson in the unit and then ill be done with math until i have my math final?
7 answers
also maybe circle
(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2
center at (h,k)
radius r
(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2
center at (h,k)
radius r
could this my answer? or nah beacuse i have no clue on how to do these
Well, I think you should mention real world examples.
a parabolic path is followed by a thrown object if you can neglect air friction for example.
A stick bent in several places by transverse forces forms cubics - I am not sure you are supposed to know that though. I bet you can find a circle though.
a parabolic path is followed by a thrown object if you can neglect air friction for example.
A stick bent in several places by transverse forces forms cubics - I am not sure you are supposed to know that though. I bet you can find a circle though.
What does your book say about parabolas and circles I wonder/
I think this is what you should put Abby
if you want a good grade
An exponential has the variable in the exponent, causing the y to grow or decay increasingly quickly or increasing slowly
Real world example banks use interest, over months or years...each time the interest is applied, it is applied to a new and bigger total and quadratic has a squared term...causing the shape of a parabola, a U shape because both positive and negative x's squared end up being the same number. real world situation a quadratic could be used to track the height of a launched object.
if you want a good grade
An exponential has the variable in the exponent, causing the y to grow or decay increasingly quickly or increasing slowly
Real world example banks use interest, over months or years...each time the interest is applied, it is applied to a new and bigger total and quadratic has a squared term...causing the shape of a parabola, a U shape because both positive and negative x's squared end up being the same number. real world situation a quadratic could be used to track the height of a launched object.
ok thanks Nick ill let you know what i make =)