G = -nFE = J/mol
Zn(s)-->Zn^2+(aq)+2e^- 0.765 V
Cu^2+(aq)+2e^- -->Cu(s) 0.337 V
n = 2, F = 96,485, E =(0.765+0.337) = 1.102
G = -212652.94 J/mol
60g Cu * 1 mol Cu/63.546g Cu = 0.944 mol
Max. work = -212652.94 J/mol * 0.944 mol
= -200786
Consider the voltaic cell
Zn(s) + Cu{2+}(aq)--> Zn{2+}(aq)+Cu(s)
Under standard conditions, what is the maximum electrical work, in Joules that can accomplish if 60 g of copper is plated out?
1 answer