Consider the reduction of 4-t-butylcyclohexanone.

If the procedure calls for 153 mg of 4-t-butylcyclohexanone, what mass of sodium borohydride should be added?

4 answers

I gave instructions below. I don't know the equation.
there are no instructions... i don't see it
At your Sat 6:04 posting.

If you know the mole ratio between the ketone and the borohydride, this set of instructions will do it. I can help with any part of the problem except the equation.
I found two references that contradict each other.
One shows R2C=O + 2H^- ==> R2CHOH and the other shows
R2C=O + H^- ==> R2CHOH (one H supplied by the hydride and the other by hydrolysis of the intermediate alkoxide salt.