It is difficult to write the subscripts and superscripts on this board so here is the way I will do it.
20X50. 20 is the atomic number, X is the element, and 50 is the mass number. With that in mind here is how the Fm looks.
100Fm258 ==> 3 2He4 + 2 on1 + 94X244
The subscripts (numbers on the left) and superscripts (numbers on the right) add up on both sides; i.e., 100 = (3*2) + (2*0) + 1*94). Same thing for superscripts [258 = (3*4) + (2*1) + 1*244)]. To identify what element X is look on the periodic table for element # (atomic number) of 94. I believe that's Pu which would be written as 94Pu244.
Consider the following hypothetical nuclear breakdown:
Fermium-258 (Fm-258) loses three alpha particles and two neutrons.
What is the new element that is formed (in terms of chemical symbol, atomic number and atomic mass)?
I'm not sure how to express this in equation form. Please help?
I know what alpha and neutrons are.
1 answer