Consider that you are having an informative discussion with yoir adolescent child about sex. your goal is to explain to your child that sexual arousal is a normal sensationn attributed to the brain, neurochemicals, and sex hormones all working together. describe, in language that a teen would understand, how the brain, neurochemicals, and sex hormones work together during sexual arousal. (200 word count)

2 answers

Having been a parent to many kids, I find this question weird.
First, you are explaining about 10 years to late. If you child is in Public school, he/she can explain it to you. If you have sheltered your child from public school, and not explained sexual attraction and arousal and love and marriage and babies, then it probably is hopeless for you to explain it, as you don't understand it yourself.

Teens don't care about neurochemicals when they are discussing the attractiveness and suitability of the opposite gender.

Now for your assignment.
Sexual arousal in human begins is different from that of other animals. It is clear that human sexual arousal can occur: