consider a crystallization of sulfanilamide in which 10 mL of hot 95% ethyl alcohol is added to 0.10 g of impure sulfanimide. after the solid has dissolved, the solution is cooled to room temp. and then placed into an ice-water bath. no crystals for, even after scratching with a glass rod. explain why this crystallization failed. what would you have to do at this point to make the crystallization work?

5 answers

Is there any reason not to evaporate the alcohol off?
To add to Bob Pursley's great answer the probable reason you had no crystal formation was that the compound was too soluble in the alcohol.
I understand that thecompound was too soluble but what about the second part of the question? What would you have to do to make the crystallization work? Would one just have to retry the crystallization, or find a different solvent?
You need to induce crystallization by seeding it. Get a crystals of the original solid and placing it in the solution. Crystals should form. Another form is by taking a glass rod and dipping it in the solution and then taking it out to let the alcohol evaporate. Crystals will form on the rod, these crystals can then be used for the seeding purpose. hopes this makes sense and helps