Consider a cooling cup of coffee whose initial temperature is 205°. The room temperature is held at 70°. Suppose k = 1/16. Let y be the temperature, and y' its time derivative.

I have the differential equation:
y' = (-1/16)(y-70)
Initial condition: yo = 205
Continuous solution equation:
y(t) = 70 + 135*exp((-1/16)(t))

I am supposed to use Euler's Method to find the temperature after 5, 20, 30 and 60 minutes. I have to find: Temperature
Euler's Method (dt = 5) and Temperature
Euler's Method (dt = 1) for 5, 20, 30 and 60. How do I do this??? Please help

for dt=5, n= 135/5

for dt=1, n= 135

Euller was a dictator...