Concerning the scope of a search incident to arrest, a police officer may search:
A. only the arrestee.
B. the area within the immediate control of the arrestee.
C. the arrestee and all of his or her personal effects.
D. All of the above
is it B
2. Which of the following is NOT a recognized reason for a warrantless search based on exigent circumstances?
A. There is no time to obtain a warrant.
B. Getting a warrant would be inconvenient and costly.
C. There is a “clear indication” that the search will result in obtaining the evidence sought.
D. The search is conducted in a “reasonable manner.”
is it B
3 answers
I agree with your first answer, but disagree with your second answer.
is it A
I'm sorry, but I misread the second question. (I hate negative questions!) Your answer of B is correct.