Compound C (MW = 550) is provided at a concentration of 25g/100mL. 1mL is taken and compound D is to be added (MW = 1025, concentration = 75mM) to give a final ratio of compound C:D of 4:1 . What volume of compound D is to be added? ''DR BOB 222 IT IS A GRAMS RATIO''

3 answers

I can't figure it either, When one specifies ratio, one should specify the basis (moles, or mass, or volume). I think they probably mean mass ratio here, but frankly, who knows. The writer of the question probably had something in mind..
yeas it is a mean mass ratio could you show me how to do it Bob Pursley
I repeatedly responded to this query and asked what kind of ratio. After 3-4 days I FINALLY received the answer of mole ratio. That's why I answered it as a moles ratio. If you will take the answer I gave in mole ratio and convert to grams, step by step, you will obtain the grams ratio.