Compare and contrast your abilities as an academic writer now as opposed to when you began at Axia College. Using four comparatives and four superlatives within your responses, explain what has led to these changes and what changes you will make in the future.

My reply:
Since attending Axia College, I am a better writer. I am more concise and more accurate. Therefore, I am a more effective writer. I have learned how to better express myself. I am not the best academic writer or the most prolific, but I can honestly say that I am much better writer than before I attended Axia.

did I use four comparatives and four superlatives? If so what are they?

7 answers

You have written that you are a "better writer" twice, but you haven't addressed these two parts of the assignment:

"explain what has led to these changes

"and what changes you will make in the future"

So here are my suggestions to you:

1. Go through what you've written and get rid of the repeated stuff; that's NOT concise!

2. Add -- including DETAILS -- what helped you make WHAT changes.

3. Add -- including DETAILS -- what changes you will make in the future.
okay! thanks!
Since attending Axia College, I am a better writer. I am more concise and more accurate. Therefore, I am a more effective writer. I have learned how to better express myself. I am not the best academic writer or the most prolific, but I can honestly say that since I have been attending Axia and doing the works and studies of this class, has led me to these changes in my writing life. The changes I will make in the future are going over my studies I have learned and becoming a better writer each and every day.

is that better?
more concise
more accurate
more effective

most prolific
You're still writing in generalities. I see no details there.

What did you used to do when writing?
bad spelling? bad grammar? run-on sentences? fragments? wrong words? what?

What do you do now?

What do you plan to do in the future that is different from what you do now?
thank you!
You're welcome. Please feel free to re-post if you'd like one of us to check again.

Following the directions in multi-step assignments like this is not easy, but you need to make sure you address all parts of the assignment.
