compare and contrast the representation of the small town characters in Ethan frome and our town.

do the authors depict their characters in a similar way or different? how do these depesitions influence the stories?

To me both characters in both books are somewhat similar because they both live in small towns that basically do the same thing each day.

Do you guys have any ideas and thoughts on this one? thanks

4 answers

Let's look at the instructions.

1. compare (tell how they're similar)
2. and contrast (tell how they're different)
3. the representation of the small town characters (what does "representation" mean to you?)
4. in Ethan frome
5. and our town.

6. do the authors depict their characters in a similar way or different?

7. how do these depesitions (<~~what?) influence the stories?

You did not address #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. You barely touched on #1.

You need to choose specific characters out of each story.

You need to describe them and explain how each one is different from and similar to his/her counterpart in the other story.

You need to state and explain how these characters' differences and similarities affected each storyline or plot.

You cannot do this in one sentence, and you MUST include specifics: characters' names, characterizations, effects on each plot, etc.
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