Compare and contrast the narrators of "Our Society at Cranford" and A Scandal in Bohemia."
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This is what i have so far from :Compare and contrast the narrators of "Our Society at Cranford" and A Scandal in Bohemia."
One thing that is similar about the narrators in both of these stories is that they are first person narrators
Both narrators are first person but the narrator for "Our Society" in Cranford is ironic and humorous . a The narrator for "A Scandal in Bohemia" is serious and without irony or humorousness. The reason for these differences is that in "Our Society" the narrator is telling a tale of a wickedly mischievous young lady who thinks nothing of wreaking havoc with a person's nerves. while in "A Scandal" the narrator is telling an open tale about marvelous deductive and observational skills. Just as the first requires a little ironic humor, the second requires a straightforward approach.
I need 4 sentences more.
One thing that is similar about the narrators in both of these stories is that they are first person narrators
Both narrators are first person but the narrator for "Our Society" in Cranford is ironic and humorous . a The narrator for "A Scandal in Bohemia" is serious and without irony or humorousness. The reason for these differences is that in "Our Society" the narrator is telling a tale of a wickedly mischievous young lady who thinks nothing of wreaking havoc with a person's nerves. while in "A Scandal" the narrator is telling an open tale about marvelous deductive and observational skills. Just as the first requires a little ironic humor, the second requires a straightforward approach.
I need 4 sentences more.