Compare and contrast sedimentary rocks that have a granular texture with sedimentary rocks that have a nongranular texture.

I have worked on this, and this is a question following an experiment so it's kind of hard to explain. The rocks in the experiment were coquina limestone, sandstone, shale, melaconglomerate, and rock salt. Tell me if you think this is ok: The sedimentary rocks that have a granular texture are coquina limestone, sandstone, and melaconglomerate. The sedimentary rocks that have a nongranular texture are shale and rock salt. The granular rocks are made of large sand or pebble grains but the nongranular rocks are not grainy or they have clay. The granular rocks are flaky, gritty, and the sediments are easily seen in some but the non granular rocks have no reaction to acid ,so they don't contain calcite, and some are soft. All the rocks have minerals in them, like rock salt has halite and sandstone has quartz. Melaconglomerate has smaller mineral fragments. Most of the granular rocks are detrital, except for coquina limestone which is organic and the nongranular rocks are detrital and chemical.