Compare and contrast how the United States and Canada achieved independence.

Why do you think the United States has 10 times more people than Canada?

Explain one way that ethnic groups in the U.S. and Canada are similar and one way that they are different.

70 answers

Canada achieved independence gradually and with legislation. The U.S. fought a war to win independence.

Study this population density map of Canada. What do you think accounts for the sparsely populated areas?

Ethnic groups are similar because many are of the same ethnicity. Canada prides itself on being like a stew with each ethnic group contributing separate and identifiable cultures. The U.S. likes to consider itself a melting pot where all differences disappear.
OK,I will thank you so much Ms. Sue !!!!! :D !!!! HAVE A NICE DAY :D
You're welcome, Sammy.
thx! this really helped!!
Wow very helpful thx
Thanks! So helpful.
Yeah thx i got 100%
You guys go to Connections Acadamy right?
I go to Connections Acadamy
i go to connections
same here
Yeah Connections is awesome!
wow thanks a lot I go to connections two and it is ok ig
I go to connections too and thanks this helped alot
i go to connections academy to
i go to connections academy
me three
Aren't you guys cheating if your from connections? Unless this was for the study guide of course. either way you guys shouldn't cheat it's gonna turn out bad for you if you are.
Are any of you from Wisconsin connections academy?
no cheating
i have a question just like this on my test at school witch is not happening until the end of the week.
Remember not to cheat and if you do cheat (which you should not do) make sure to learn the stuff so next time there will be no reason to cheat. This is very helpful for studying
Yea u don't want to cheat cuz If the teacher finds out that your cheating it goes on your record and in colleges don't want people that cheat
How are both of them compared for question 1?
These questions are from the Unit 1 test in part B. You are cheating if you use anything but your brain on a test. Remember if you can find it online so can your teachers. I know, I am one at Connections!
lol I go to connections Academy too!!!!
wow..this is great
Hi. My name is ??????
Welcome to Jiskha the home for cheaters XD
Wth? March 8 2016? /|\
grace i am
If you don't want people to cheat, then why are you on the website telling people not to cheat. If your on the website then what are you doing LOL.
I go
hey, Anonymous who posted on Feb 29,2016, y r u here? So, you CHEATER!! Maybe these peeps go to a different school and this is a study guide or practice?
Me Love Connexus :)
please im just trying to get through middle school without failing
me to im doing real good to thx Jiskha
i also go to connexus
Hows it going bros?
Pretty good
Thats cool
I love u PewDiePie
Do u want to go out
no i have marzia
DISGUSTING AND DISRESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR!!!!!!!! I approve (sarcasm) keep it going so Jiskha can be SHUT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, many students are plagiarizing on this Connections Education test. That is not allowed and may involve discipline procedures, referral to administration, or worse.
Students may be suspended or expelled from school for plagiarism if it becomes consistent.
People are also fired from their jobs because of it.
So, take the high road and answer the questions yourself.
Hey I’m from the future unless it is January 6, 2018
To say the truth Connexus Sucks
Connexus DON'T SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fact that this went on for 4 years is hilarious.
I actually think the answer to the 2nd writer question is fairly easy. If you take a look at what factors are more welcoming, and which are not may help you figure out that question why the United States has much more people.
What is school anyways?
Jiskha is for homework help, notice the word HELP! Not homework answers, homework help.
i go to Connections Acacdemt
so do I
Well I'm not cheating I'm just looking at what other people answered, then after when I read the answers I write the answer down in my own words
And I go to connections academy as well
To be totally honest

You people are all dumb
1 3*1st t0ao0
hi, I was wondering if you guys had any ideas of nicknames, any, thanks
wow this ended only a few days ago and was going on for a few years.... I think we just defined the the word miserable
its now 2020 and im reading these
me too mars, me too
Me too lol i was just looking for the pretest answers.
Can y’all face book moms shut up and answer the question