Combina las palabras lógicamente.
1. la langosta a. la albóndiga
2. la salchicha b. el vino
3. el ají c. el pimiento
4. el caldo d. el bacalao
5. el sacacorchos e. la ensalada
6. hornear f. la toronja
7. los ingredientes g. cocer
8. la sal h. la sopa
9. el durazno i. la receta
10. el aderezo j. la pimienta
My Answers:
2 answers
I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
This would be far easier to read if you had parallel lines. Also, if you could skip lines, these old eyes would appreciate it!
1. I combined it with another seafood = d
2. agreed
3. I believe they mean the plant = c
4. agreed
5. agreed
6. I combined it with another infinitive meaning to cook = g
7. Ingredients are what you need for a recipe = 8
8. salt & papper go together = c
9. agreed
10. I put dressing on a salad = j
I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have questions.
1. I combined it with another seafood = d
2. agreed
3. I believe they mean the plant = c
4. agreed
5. agreed
6. I combined it with another infinitive meaning to cook = g
7. Ingredients are what you need for a recipe = 8
8. salt & papper go together = c
9. agreed
10. I put dressing on a salad = j
I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have questions.