Cn you help me with this question?

Which would be the best answer for this question (B or D)?

A normally developing child can learn
two languages(English and the native
language)simultaneously,provided that:

A. the early learning teacher provides
language strips at both learning
environments(home and school)

B. simple language forms are matched
to the child's immediate experiences

C. the parents begin English language
lessons before the child

D. both learning environments are
responsive and consistent.

This is what my text states:

Perhaps the most important thing for the early childhood professional to
understand is that for children
learning a second language,it is much like learning a first language. The
stages children go through are similar
to the stages of learning their native language. Learning a second language is best accomplished within the context of interesting and meaningful activities when the language heard is simple,and
matches what the child experiences at the time. Strategies such as repetition,redundancy,expansion,and recasting sentences,and use of referential language are asimportant for second language acquisition as
they are for the first language acquisition. In the early childhood classroom or day-care-center children represent a wide variety of different stages of both first and second language acquisition. Some children are in the process of learning two languages simultaneously:their native language and English. Current evidence suggests that, for normally developing children, learning two languages
is not necessarily more difficult than learning one if the learning environments are responsive and

I donot know whether B or D would be the best answer because both B and D
are mentioned in the text.

Please help!

2 answers

I would go which B in this case. The learning has to be incorporated with relevant experiences to the child... That is helpful whether one language or two.
I agree with GuruBlue that B is the best answer.

Your text states: " Learning a second language is best accomplished within the context of interesting and meaningful activities when the language heard is simple, and
matches what the child experiences at the time."

D is a close second -- but because the author put that at the end of the paragraph, it's not as important as what s/he said earlier.