# Cis108 07/03/2014
# The PCCC Palace Hotel - Final Bill
# To write a bill per party regarding there stay at the Palace Hotel including there billing invoice
# Ask the user there name and number of days they will be staying in the Palace
customer = input ("Enter customers name : ")
days = input ("Enter the number of days in the hotel : ")
#List all the options of RoomUsed Rates and define which one the guest chooses
print("Press 1 for Single room One bed - $225.00")
print("Press 2 for Family room double bed - $325.00")
print("Press 3 for Suite $ 550.00")
#Explain to the computer which choice the user wants as for the RoomUsed options
#Ask the user which option they want - single,family,or suite
RoomUsed= input("Please enter which Room you would like to stay in ")
RoomUsed = []
if RoomUsed == '1':
RoomUsed == 225
if RoomUsed == '2':
RoomUsed == 325
if RoomUsed == '3':
RoomUsed == 550
print("Press 0 for No Internet Access")
print("Press 1 for Wireless internet access 9.95")
print("Press 2 for Wired internet access for 5.95")
InternetAccess= input("Would you like access to the Internet ? ")
InternetAccess = []
if InternetAccess == '0':
InternetAccess == 0
if InternetAccess == '1':
InternetAccess == 9.95
if InternetAccess == '2':
InternetAccess == 5.95
print("Press 0 for no tv")
print("Press 1 for cable tv 9.95")
print("Press 2 for basic channels 2.95")
Costoftv= input("Would you like to use the TV ? ")
Costoftv = []
if Costoftv == '0':
Costoftv == 0
if Costoftv == '1':
Costoftv == 9.95
if Costoftv == '2':
Costoftv == 2.95
#I have taken all the users specific input from there specific order
# Performing a line break to clean up the seperation between lines
print("\t\t\t\t\t\t Invoice")
print("\t\tPCCC Palace Hotel")
print(customer, "'s Billing Statement")
print("Number of Days in Hotel: ",days)
print("Room Charges: ", RoomUsed)
print("Internet Charges: ", InternetAccess)
print("Television Charges: ", Costoftv)
totalcharges = print("Total Charges: ", RoomUsed + InternetAccess + Costoftv)
localtaxes = print("Local Taxes: ",int(totalcharges * float(.035)))
print("\t\tTotal Due\t\t\t", totalcharges + localtaxes)
print("\t\tThank You For Using PCCC Palace Hotel. Hope To See You Again.")
# Performing a line break to clean up the seperation between lines
print("PCCC Palace Hotel Invoice")
done = input ( "Please press the Enter key to close the window")
1 answer