MC.... read the poems out loud... you will be able very quickly to determine if they have rhyme or beat(meter). By patting your hand while you read, you can determine what the meter is.
I am including a site on meter and an site on metaphors....I believe we talked about those a couple of days ago.
'Choose two poems from your book that you will later write an essay about and make some notes on their similarities and differences.'
This is what I got:
I chose the poems 'I Never Saw A Moor' by Emily Dickinson and 'Kidnap Poem' by Nikki Giovanni because these two poems are very different. The tone in Dickinson's poem is solemn while Kidnap Poem is written in a funner and more easy-going way.
Now all I need to know is if they share a structural element like meter, rhyme, or free verse, and if they both use an implied or extended metaphor+ more similarities.
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