Choose the meaning of the bolded vocabulary word in each passage in the next six questions.
I can't bold them so the word will be in caps. Check my answers * = My answer
1. "Once, the listener fancied that he could DISTINGUISH the accent of town's people of his own..."
a. Hear
b. Repeat
c. Reveal
d. Translate*
2. "Among them, QUIVERING to and fro between gloom and splendor, appeared faces..."
a. Falling
b. Moving*
c. stopping
d. Tripping
3. "UNFATHOMABLE to mere mortals in the love of fiends."
a. Exhausting
b. Mysterious*
c. Helpful
d. Unrelenting
4. "That at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue - and VIVIDLY blue were its windows."
a. Bright*
b. Clear
c. Mixed
d. Pale
5. "But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and SAGACIOUS."
a. Elated
b. Doubtful*
c. Intelligent
d. Selective
6. "The apartments were so irregularly DISPOSED that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time.
a. Arranged*
b. Built
c. Drawn
d. Tilted
3 answers
1.) Choose the meaning of the bolded vocabulary word in each passage.
"They continued to walk onward, while the elder exhorted his companion to make good speed..."
Answer: urged
2.) "But, irreverently consorting with these grave, reputable, and pious people...were men of dissolute lives and women of spotted fame..."
Answer: wicked
3.) "It was a voluptuous scene, that masquerade."
Answer: pleasurable
4.) "There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores..."
Answer: excessive
5.) "...there arose at length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive of disapprobation and surprise..."
Answer: criticism
6.) "Here the case was very different, as might have been expected from duke's love of the bizarre. The apartments are so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect."
Answer: arranged
7.) Which of the following words includes the Greek root that means together with or similar?
Answer: symmetry
8.) Which of the following literary movements means "to go beyond"?
Answer: transcendentalism
9.) In the word neoclassicalism, the Greek prefix for neo- means?
Answer: new
10.) Which of the following characterizes Young Goodman Brown's companion?
Answer: mysterious
11.) From lines 8-9 readers could infer that Young Goodman Brown...
Answer: knows who his companion his
12.) With lines 15 and 16 Hawthorne hints that the government leaders...
Answer: would welcome the second traveler's advice
13.) Choose the sentence in which appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly.
Answer: The title, the result of much hard work, was one of many Ashe would win
14.) Choose the sentence in which appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly.
Answer: Edward P. Weston, a long-distance walker, lived in New England in 1860
15.) Choose the sentence in which appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly.
Answer: This trip, the result of an election bet, took ten days.
16.) Choose the sentence in which appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly.
Answer: Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln had just won the election.
17.) Which of the following is a genre of American Romanticism?
Answer: short story
18.) Which of the following statements about American Romanticism is not true?
Answer: American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.
19.) My transcendentalist world view is evident in my journal, Walden.
Answer: d. Henry David Thoreau
20.) I'm hailed the father of free verse.
Answer: f. Walt Whitman
21.) The following passage exemplifies writing my style:
Answer: a. Nathaniel Hawthorne
22.) The following passage exemplifies my writing style:
Answer: b. Edgar Allen Poe