Choose from the following three topics from the Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Note that there is one article in support and one in opposition listed for each topic.


Immigration Should Be Restricted. Paul Craig Roberts.
Opposing Viewpoints: Race Relations. Ed. Mary E. Williams. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001.

Immigration Should Not Be Restricted. Jacob G. Hornberger.
Opposing Viewpoints: Immigration. Ed. Mary E. Williams. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004.

Gun Ownership:

Private Gun Ownership Should Not Be Banned. Hillel Goldstein.
Opposing Viewpoints: Gun Control. Ed. Helen Cothran. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003.

Private Ownership of Handguns Should Be Banned. Roger Rosenblatt.
Opposing Viewpoints: Gun Control. Ed. Helen Cothran. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003.

Animal Experimentation:

Animal Experimentation Is Always Justified.
Opposing Viewpoints Digests: Animal Rights. Ed. Jennifer A.Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999.

Animal Medical Experimentation Is Unjustified. Peggy Carlson.
Current Controversies: The Rights of Animals. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999.

Utilize the form in Appendix E to organize your critical analysis of the two articles. Remember that you need to fill out one form for each article.

Provide the title of the source.
Provide the source citation. (I have provided this for you above. Copy and paste the appropriate citation into your form.)
Identify the principal issue presented in the article.
Identify any examples of bias presented by the author.
Identify any areas in the article that are vague or ambiguous.
Do you find the source credible? Explain your reasoning.
Identify and name any rhetorical devices used by the author.
Identify and name any fallacies used by the author.
State one argument made by the author.
Identify the premises and conclusion of the argument.
Is the author’s argument valid or invalid, sound or unsound, strong or weak? Explain your reasoning.
Does the author use moral reasoning? Explain your reasoning.

Post your work as an attachment to your Individual Forum. The subject line should read: Final Project: Comprehensive Argument Analysis

2 answers

We still do not do your work. Do you have a specific question?
Does the author use moral reasoning? If not, explain how you determined this.