Choose between the numbers 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to make the largest four digit natural number in terms of value that you can. The number 078 has two digits. The number 00045 has two digits. Choose between the same numbers to make the smallest four digit number in terms of value that you can. Does your answer change if you are allowed to repeat digits? What are the two numbers? How does the concept of place value set the foundation for your decisions?

Describe the strategies you used to solve the problem. Explain how concepts of place value were reflected in this problem.

1 answer

I assume you are indicating that 0 is not a digit unless it occurs after another digit other than zero. For example, 04 has one digit and 40 has two.

1. 6543
2. 2034
3. Yes, 6666 and 2000

You are the one who needs to describe the strategies I used.