Good Heavens! Why in thunderation did you post this here?
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Choose a contemporary painting, sculpture, or piece of art that captures your interest. This should be a piece created between the end of World War II (about 1945) and today. You may choose one of the illustrations or color inserts in the textbook, opt for an artist featured on the PBS series “Art 21,” or try a virtual museum (check the links in this week's Web Resources).
Before you begin writing your post, view at least two of the “Closer Look” art critiques from the unit resources. Consider what features are discussed. Aim for an evaluation that notes small details in a work, considers the purpose of various elements, and perhaps investigates the artist’s life.
In the post, begin by introducing the piece of art. What is the title? Who created it and when? What is the style? How would you describe it to someone who had not seen it? Finally, explain why viewing this work is a valuable experience.
3 answers
Please keep in mind that we have no access to any textbook, program, workbook, etc. Pick the works and give us titles. Pick the artist and tell us who. You need to post questions that we can answer.
Before you begin writing your post, view at least two of the “Closer Look” art critiques from the unit resources. Consider what features are discussed. Aim for an evaluation that notes small details in a work, considers the purpose of various elements, and perhaps investigates the artist’s life.