children insulted palmer ans sometimes threw stones at him. Grown men hurled rocks though the windows of his house. Even the local minister _______(e)d palmer, telling the congregation that palmer admired only himself.

One day, four men carrying scissors and a razor attacked palmer and threw him to the ground. Pulling out nocketknife. Palmer fought back, slashing at their legs.His ___________s fled. Afterward, palmer was the one arrested and jailed. After a year although his accusers still wouldnt______ him of guilt he was released.
Palmer hed won. the cause of all the_________ and abuse had been his long, flowing beard, Palmer______ to the end, had refused to shave.
Thirty years after palmers difficulties, it was no longer_____________ to wear whiskers. Among the many who wore beards then was the president of the united states, abraham lincoln

2 answers

Do you have a vocabulary list from which to choose to fill in the blanks? Are you supposed to think of words you think are appropriate? In any case, I won't fill them in for you. That's your job. In each case, I can think of at least two or three words that would fit.