Chief Draper has noticed that the behavior of many of his officers reflects a lack of understanding of many basic criminal justice concepts. Last week, he received a complaint about a patrol officer with ten years of experience on the force. The complaint alleged that the officer pulled over a car for a traffic violation and allowed the driver to leave with a verbal warning after the driver gave him free football game tickets. Another complaint involved the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) supervisor. In this complaint, it is alleged that the SWAT team broke down the door of a suspected drug dealer only to find that it had the wrong house. The team later found the suspected dealer at another location and arrested and interrogated him before reading the Miranda warnings. These are only a few of the complaints being reviewed, and Chief Draper believes that police recruits need more training on the following topics:
Probable cause
Plain view doctrine
Good faith exception
Reasonable suspicion
Use of force
Racial profiling
Prepare a 12- to 14-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with your recommendations of the important points that should be addressed in the training of police recruits.
Devote at least one slide to each of the ten topics listed.
Use cases to support your explanations.
Use the Notes section to provide for deeper exploration of each topic.
Include a cover slide and at least one slide at the end of your presentation to reference your sources, formatted in the APA style, that link back to your in-text citations and support your recommendations. See your Argosy Handbook or APA materials to properly cite your text.
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