frist you reduce chef;
multiply all dimensions by .5
then for volume, dimentsions have to be cubed. 300percent is 3 times, so take all dimensions and multiply by cubr(3) and then that's 1.44
Chef Potato's body has a cylinder in the middle and two half spheres that make up his bottom and head. He has the two dimensional shape measurements as follows: 20 cm in total length, 5 cm between the end of the cylinder and the top of the top sphere. Reduce Chef
1.) Potato by a scale factor of 0.5.
2.) Chef Potato needs to be converted from a two dimensional shape to a three dimensional object and then enlarged to 300% of his original size. The three dimensional chef potato is similar in shape to a capsule made of a half sphere at the top, and a half sphere at the bottom and a cylinder in between. Determine the surface area of the enlarged three dimensional chef potato and the scale factor.
3.) What are possible dimensions of a box that could be used to deliver the enlarge model of chef potato to store? Justify your answer.
1 answer