CheckPoint: Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint

• Resources: Appendix F; A Pocket Style Manual; designated Exercise Central practice
exercises on grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and writing; and the Comprehensive
Grammar CheckPoint exercises
• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
• Use Appendix F to complete the Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint.
• Post the completed form in Appendix F as an attachment.

16 answers

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Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint
Read the following sentences, and focus on the grammar area specified in the left column. Then, complete Appendix F by entering the correct sentence (a or b) for each number as well as an explanation of why you made that choice.
Inclusive Language: Nonsexist
1a. I understand Dr. Maurice hired a new nurse. What is her name?
1b. I understand Dr. Maurice hired a new nurse. What is his or her name?
Inclusive Language: Nonsexist
2a. I’m not very good at math.
2b. I’m not very good at math because I’m a girl.
Inclusive Language: Nonracist
3a. My new coworker, a Muslim, is actually quite nice.
3b. My new coworker is actually quite nice.
Inclusive Language: Nonracist
4a. Our new district attorney, a Cuban American, is making a speech on Saturday.
4b. Our new district attorney is making a speech on Saturday.
Inclusive Language: Nonagist
5a. Dr. Phil counseled the mother of a four-year-old who weighs 150 pounds.
5b. Dr. Phil counseled the mother of a child who weighs 150 pounds.
Inclusive Language: Nonagist
6a. We should hire a younger person who knows more about technology.
6b. We should hire a person who knows more about technology.
Inclusive Language: Describing the Disabled and Those With Cultural Differences
7a. The hearing-impaired child needs special accommodations for the field trip.
7b. The child needs special accommodations for the field trip.
Inclusive Language: Describing the Disabled and Those With Cultural Differences
8a. If we go to dinner at Mr. Suzuki’s house, will we have to eat raw fish?
8b. If we go to dinner at Mr. Suzuki’s house, will we eat unfamiliar foods?
Sentence Fragments
9a. Richard III supposedly had the young princes murdered. Never found out what really happened to them.
9b. Richard III supposedly had the young princes murdered although we never found out what really happened to them.
Sentence Fragments
10a. Despite having enough money for the trip.
10b. Despite having enough money for the trip, John was broke before the bus left for home.
Run-On Sentences
11a. The creature sat upright and tugged at the shackles binding his ankles as Frankenstein uttered a piercing scream.
11b. The creature sat upright and tugged at the shackles binding his ankles Frankenstein uttered a piercing scream.
Run-On Sentences
12a. Both Lisa and Alan enjoy photography; both have won prestigious awards.
12b. Both Lisa and Alan enjoy photography, both have won prestigious awards.
13a. I believe our families are both related to George Washington. What a surprising occurrence!
13b. I beleive our familys are both related to George Washington. What a surprising ocurrence!
14a. Bob and Carol got into an arguement when thier committment to the political cause was questioned.
14b. Bob and Carol got into an argument when their commitment to the political cause was questioned.
15a. After graduation, Susan Clark worked at the university of California and lived in the San Bernardino valley.
15b. After graduation, Susan Clark worked at the University of California and lived in the San Bernardino Valley.
16a. Even though it is December, we were able to eat outside at McDonald’s.
16b. Even though it is december, we were able to eat outside at mcDonald’s.
17a. It’s going to be a week before my computer is repaired.
17b. Its going to be a week before my computer is repaired.
18a. The children’s party starts at 2 p.m.
18b. The childrens’ party starts at 2 p.m.
19a. The Robinson’s house is on Spring Street, but ours’ is on Randolph Drive.
19b. The Robinsons’ house is on Spring Street, but ours is on
Randolph Drive.
20a. The Bears lost the Super Bowl to Indianapolis; worse yet, I lost a bet with my brother about the outcome of the game.
20b. The Bears lost the Super Bowl to Indianapolis; worse yet; I lost a bet with my brother about the outcome of the game.
21a. Michael has lived in Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, California, and Providence, Rhode Island.
21b. Michael has lived in Portland, Oregon; San Francisco, California; and Providence, Rhode Island.
22a. I just bought CDs by Regina Spektor, John Legend, and Prince.
22b. I just bought: CDs by Regina Spektor, John Legend, and Prince.
23a. Students, who study hard, should do well on the test.
23b. Students who study hard should do well on the test.
24a. After sliding into second base Alex realized the outfielder had dropped the ball.
24b. After sliding into second base, Alex realized the outfielder had dropped the ball.
25a. Bob enjoys playing football, and Jim enjoys playing hockey.
25b. Bob enjoys playing football and Jim enjoys playing hockey
Anon. We do not do your homework for you. After YOU have done the work, we will be happy to make suggestions for corrections.
After sliding into second base, Alex realized the outfileder had dropped the ball.
1a. I understand Dr. Maurice hired a new nurse. What is her name?
1b. I understand Dr. Maurice hired a new nurse. What is his or her name?
ocgsma nifq xdvite czqtngbk dhycumait mefbqlui azwdxnsto
eneter the correct answer
you are a cheater and as discussed in your threads you should be suspended.
My new coworker, a Muslim, is actually quite nice.
First off, it is one thing to ask for assistance because you do not understand something. It is a completely different thing for someone to give you all of the answers. It really is your loss though, because instead of getting the reasoning why and understanding, you are just getting the answers. I wish you the best of luck, really I do. You will need it when you are required to write grammatically correct sentences in the business world. It is a direct reflection of you and your abilities.

By the way... it is pUnctuation, mechanism(No E), and writing.
Why is anyone upset? You would not respond if you were not looking for the answers yourself. So who should be getting suspended?
Maybe they did not have spell check.
I understand Dr. Maurice hire a new nurse. What is his or her name?
I just have to say that I'm doing this same exact assignment right now haha! I was searching for an answer to a question but it looks like i found all of them! woohoo! and actually a few of those answers are wrong haha!
a or b) for each number as well as an explanation of why you made that choice. just need help explaining why?
Answer A
4a. John has become a rather good actor.
4b John has became a rather good actor.
Answer A
5a. Some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids.
5b. Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids.
Answer B
6a. I lay my book on the table, but now I cannot find it.
6b. I laid my book on the table, but now I cannot find it.
Answer A
7a. I was interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists.
7b. I am interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists.
Verb form and verb tense Answer B
8a. Since American Idol premiered on television, many talented contestants have appeared on the show.
8b. Since American Idol premiered on television, many talented contestants appeared on the show.
Verb form and verb tense Answer a
9a. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as burial sites for their leaders.
9b. The ancient Egyptians have built pyramids as burial sites for their leaders.
Identifying antecedents Answer A
10a. The antecedent in the following sentence is students: Students in online classes have to be organized to keep up with their assignments.
10b. The antecedent in the following sentence is class: Students in online classes have to be organized to keep up with their assignments.
Identifying antecedents Answer A
11a. The antecedent in the following sentence is Doctors: Doctors should
schedule more time for patients so they do not spend so much time in the waiting room.
11b. The antecedent in the following sentence is patients: Doctors should schedule more time for patients so they do not spend so much time in the waiting room.
Pronoun-antecedent agreement answer B 12a. When a driver wants to buy a new vehicle, he or she usually test drives them.
12b. When a driver wants to buy a new vehicle, he or she usually test drives it.
Pronoun-antecedent agreement Answer B 13a. Most presenters spoke without looking at his or her notes.
13b. Most presenters spoke without looking at their notes.
Pronoun-antecedent agreement Answer B 14a. You may rent a movie or a video game for just one night if they are new.
14b. You may rent a movie or a video game for just one night if it is new.
Pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns Answer B
15a. Neither the mayor nor the council members have filed their reports.
15b. Neither the mayor nor the council members have filed his or her reports.
Pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns answer A
16a. Anyone who requests a copy of the game may have it for their video library.
16b. Anyone who requests a copy of the game may have it for his or her video library.
Pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns answer A
17a. Each of the applicants must submit his or her completed form to the interviewer.
17b. Each of the applicants must submit their completed forms to the interviewer.
Pronoun case answer A
18a. My brother knows more about technology than me.
18b. My brother knows more about technology than I.
Pronoun case answer B
19a. Please send an invitation to Bob and she.
19b. Please send an invitation to Bob and her.
Pronoun case answer A
20a. My best friend and I are going to Hawaii this summer.
20b. My best friend and me are going to Hawaii this summer.
Pronoun case for who and whom Answer A 21a. Who was the star of last year’s award-winning movie?
21b. Whom was the star of last year’s award-winning movie?
Pronoun case for who and whom answer A 22a. To who should we send the letter of commendation?
22b. To whom should we send the letter of commendation?
Pronoun case for who and whom answer B
23a. Jon Bon Jovi, who is a well-known singer and actor, once owned an arena
football team.
23b. Jon Bon Jovi, whom is a well-known singer and actor, once owned an arena football team.
Vague pronouns Answer B
24a. When the car hit a tree, it made a terrible noise.
24b. The car made a terrible noise as it crashed into a tree.
Vague pronouns answer A
25a. Air pollution normally increases along with population growth. This increasing pollution is a big problem for many cities.
25b. Air pollution normally increases along with population growth. This is a big problem for many cities.
Can any one help me with a explaition why these are the answer.
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