Case Study

You work as a bottle shop attendant at Burleigh Bar on 25 James Street, Burleigh Heads. While you were working, you witnessed an incident.
Mrs Jenny Smith entered the bottle shop at 3 pm on Monday, 30th January 2023. Just after Mrs Smith entered, an armed robber in a balaclava followed her into the shop. He held Mrs Smith roughly by the arm, waved a gun in the air and demanded all the money from the till. The staff quickly gave him what was in the till, and he raced out the front door to his getaway car, knocking Mrs Smith to the floor.
You, the Manager (Bob Smith) and a customer (John Price) saw the whole incident and rushed over to see if Mrs Smith was okay. She was on the ground, groggy, with a gash on her arm.
You called ‘000' and asked for the Ambulance and Police to attend the scene.
After the event, Burleigh Bar decided to employ a security guard.
Mrs Smith was treated at the scene by paramedics and transported to Gold Coast Hospital for observation.
Please include the following information in your report:
Patient - Mrs Jenny Smith 0419 999 666, 33 Corrimal Street, Southport, QLD 4215
Manager - Bob Smith, PH: 0417 666 777
Customer - John Price, PH: 0410 123 456

Complete all sections of the Incident and Accident Report Form.

Name of Injured Person:
Enter a response here (Max. 100 characters)
Injured Person Address:
Enter a response here
Injured Persons Phone:
Enter a response here
Incident Location:

Surfers Paradise Store

Burleigh Heads Store

Brisbane Store
Incident Date:
Enter a response here
Incident Time:
Enter a response here
Incident Description:
Did a violent or abusive act cause the accident/incident?

If yes, who or what caused the violent abuse?

Another employee


Injury/Illness Details




What form of violence or abuse took place?

People involved (Witnesses ONLY)
Manager, customer name, bottle shop attendant
Enter a response here
Enter a response here
Enter a response here
Enter a response here
Enter a response here
What action was required? i.e. Emergency Services, First Aid - Select three (3) correct answers

Hospital Admission
Injured person went home

Ambulance attended
Doctor attended
Police Attended

Follow-up notes - What happened after the incident?
What did the bar attendant do after the incident
Report completed by:
Enter a response here
Incident Date:
Enter a response here
Manager Name:
Enter a response here
Incident Date:
Enter a response here

1 answer

Incident and Accident Report Form

Name of Injured Person:
Mrs. Jenny Smith

Injured Person Address:
33 Corrimal Street, Southport, QLD 4215

Injured Person Phone:
0419 999 666

Incident Location:
Burleigh Heads Store

Incident Date:
30th January 2023

Incident Time:
3:00 PM

Incident Description:
Did a violent or abusive act cause the accident/incident?

If yes, who or what caused the violent abuse?

Injury/Illness Details

  • [ ] Eye
  • [ ] Ear
  • [ ] Neck
  • [ ] Shoulder
  • [X] Arm
  • [ ] Back
  • [ ] Hip/legs
  • [ ] Shock
  • [ ] Foot

What form of violence or abuse took place?
[X] Verbal
[X] Physical

People involved (Witnesses ONLY)
Name: Bob Smith (Manager)
Phone: 0417 666 777

Name: John Price (Customer)
Phone: 0410 123 456

Name: [Your Name] (Bottle Shop Attendant)
Phone: [Your Phone Number]

What action was required? i.e. Emergency Services, First Aid - Select three (3) correct answers

  • [X] Ambulance attended
  • [X] Police Attended
  • [X] Hospital Admission

Follow-up notes - What happened after the incident?
After the incident, I called '000' to request both ambulance and police assistance. The paramedics treated Mrs. Smith at the scene and transported her to Gold Coast Hospital for observation. The bar decided to employ a security guard after this incident to enhance safety.

Report completed by:
[Your Name]

Incident Date:
30th January 2023

Manager Name:
Bob Smith

Incident Date:
30th January 2023