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1 answer

Please remember these things:

1. This is a homework help website; please put your subject (math, science, English, or ??) in the subject line to make it faster for each teacher to find those questions in his/her areas. An even better subject heading would be more specific – such as FACTORING, SHAKESPEARE, PRONOUNS, CIVIL WAR.

2. Please include in your post your specific QUESTION and the answer or response you have come up with so far. Teachers here will not do your homework for you, but we are happy to point you in the right direction and give you feedback on your own thinking.

3. Please do not post personal information anywhere on the Internet -- not your name, your email address, where you live, where you go to school, or anything. It's just not a smart or safe thing to do online.

4. The teachers here are all volunteers. Not everyone is online all the time. Please post your questions with plenty of time for answers; if you ask last-minute questions, you might be disappointed.

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