Can you take AP Chemistry without taking any previous chemistry class?
7 answers
Never mind, I was on the collegeboard . com website just now reading the course description, and it said it was designed to be taken after a high school level chemistry class.
What is Finite Math?
This site seems to have a good explanation.
Ok, so I should probably take Finite Math my junior year, and then calculus my senior year. I'm almost done with my academic plan (it's taking me quite awhile, trying to match all the requirements of the college systems in my state)! I only have two spaces left for my senior year.
Do you really need finite math? Please check with your counselor to see if there are other courses that would be of more benefit to you.
I should probably do that, I don't want to get off track. Thanks Ms. Sue, you've been a GREAT help!!!
You're very welcome, Emily. Good luck with your planning. :-)