Can you please tell me if the following words related to clothes and fashion are still used in English? As I'm not a mother tongue speaker, I need your supervision.I also included three descriptions at the end.

1) She is always well/smartly/elegantly/badly/shabbily dressed (smartly dressed).
2) She always wears smart/elegant/shabby/plain (but not bad)/sporty (?)/old-fashionable/trendy clothes.
3) She was dressed in wool/in white.
Men’s shoes (Can you suggested to me the most common adjectives which go with "shoes"?
4) Winter boots, hiking boots, shoes with a cemented sole, , flat shoes, moccasins (slide-one shoes?), lace-up shoes (or laced shoes), Velcro (?) shoes, shoes with a buckle (?), flip-flops, slippers, clogs, sandals
Women’s shoes: Court shoes (plumps),fabric/leather court shoes, high-/low-heeled shoes.....
5) He is wearing an elegant black suit with a white shirt and a tie underneath. He is carrying a leather briefcase and is looking at his watch. 6) He’s got short blond wavy hair. He’s got thick eyebrows and a quite big nose. He is looking at his watch (or he is checking the time on his watch now).
7) She is wearing a white divided jeans skirt, with a white jacket over (?) it. Underneath (under her jacket) she is wearing a pink zip-up hoodie with a blue and white striped T-shirt (with a white collar) under it.
8)She is carrying a travelling on her shoulder
9) A black boy is wearing a checked bandana over (?) his head, a grey and white hoodie and probably tracksuit bottoms (how do you call the trousers of your tracksuit)
8) How do you describe a T-shirt that is half-botton-up and has a collar?
9) Another girl is standing next to an old car. She is wearing a pair of shamy (?) ankle boots, a brown pleated skirt, a beige leather jacket with a white blouse underneath and a pair of fishnet tights. She is carrying a hand-bag.

1 answer

1. ok
2. /old-fashionable = old-fashioned
3. elegant, stylish, nice
4. slide-on
5. a tie underneath = drop underneath
6. a quite big nose = quite a big nose
7. ok
8. a travelling what? bag?
9. bottoms
2d 8. that bottons half-way up
2nd 9. shammy? (that you use to wash a car? leather or suede?
