Can you please tell me if the following statements regarding school rules are correct? Thanks a lot.
1) You must: do your homework regularly, always bring your books to class, put up your hand if you want to ask your teacher a question or answer your teacher's question (?), be respectful of both your teacher and classmates, sit properly, listen carefully and silently to the teacher's explanations, be silent during oral tests
2) You mustn't: talk unless asked (?) by the teacher, eat, drink or chew during school hours, interrupt your teacher when speaking, turn, leave th classroom without the teacher's permission,get into the laboratory before the teacher arrives, prompt a classmate, cheat during a test
3) You can ask your teacher for a repetition.
4) I have to get to the train station by 7.30, be in class when the first bell rings, help my mum with the housework, write tests and dictations, revise carefully before an oral test
1 answer
The rules are good!