Can you please tell me if the following expressions are all possible? Thank you very much in advance.
1)The church played (and not had?) a fundamental role in medieval times.
2)It gave consolation to the oppressed and assistance to the poor. (is the preposition correct?)
3)Latin was both the language of the church and of learning.
4)Beowulf has to fight against (is against necessary?) two gigantic monsters.
5)A word is renamed using (and not by using) two separate words or a compound word.
6)Anticlerical groups grew/rose (are both possible?) in the Middle Ages.
7)During the 14th century, at that time, in that century (are the prepositions all possible?)
8)The 14th century saw the rise of the middle classes upon the political, social and economical scene (OR the middle classes appeared upon the ….? )
9)In the fight with the dragon Beowulf represents for the good (stands for the good is also possible?) whereas the serpentine fire-breathing dragon represents for the evil.
1 answer
2. yes
3. true
4. either fight against or fight
5. either
6. yes
7. select one preposition phrase and not both, right?
8. hmmm, perhaps in or of, rather than upon?
9. I'd put a comma after "dragon" to be able to pause for breath. Then either "represents the good" or "stands for the good" Also at the end about the dragon "represents evil" or "stands for evil."
Sra (aka Mme)