Can you please tell me if my paragraph is correct? Thanks.

Tenia hoy un mal dia. Primero me cai de mi cama. Entonces no habia agua caliente. Finalamente la parte peor de toda eq que camine' en heces del perro. El dia es desmesurado.

2 answers

Missing accents on tenia, dia, cai, habia. What is "eq"? and "heces"? Gramatically it's pretty good, but be careful with typos and accents. A really good way to check is to type it up in word, with the accents, then paste it into Babelfish (by Altavista), translating it into English. If it says what you want it to say, it's correct.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The "eq" is probably "es?" Indeed, "heces" is not recognizable! Are you sure "desmesurado" is the best adjective? (excessive, disproportionate; insolent)
