Can you please help me formulate the questions better and answer the last two yourself? Thank you very much.

1) I quarrelled (argued) with my best friend because I refused to let her copy the maths test (from mine?).
2) She is cross/furious with me now. I'm going to make it up with her because I don't want to lose her friendship.
3) He draws a parallel between true love and physical beauty. While the former is unaffected by time, the latter falls under the time's sickle since it is affected (I need a synonym) by the ageing process.
4)Have you done any shopping during your staying in Turin? If yes, what did you buy?
Are things more expensive than in the USA?
5) At what age can your drive a car or ride a scooter in America? Must you be with an adult together (???) I don't know how to express this.
6) At what age can you drink alcohol in a pub or smole cigarettes?

1 answer

1) I argued with my best friend because I refused to let her copy my maths test.

2) She is furious with me now. I'm going to make it up with her because I don't want to lose her friendship.

3) He draws a parallel between true love and physical beauty. While the former is unaffected by time, the latter falls under time's sickle since it is changed by the aging process.

4)Have you done any shopping during your staying in Turin? If yes, what did you buy? Are things more expensive here than in the USA?

5) At what age can your drive a car or ride a scooter in America? Must you be supervised by an adult?
[In most of the US, teens can get a learner's permit about age 15 or 15½ and a license at age 16. It's usually a provisional license until the teen reaches the age of 18, though, and if parents don't want to take complete responsibility for any accidents during that time, they don't have to let the teen get a permit or provisional license. Specifics vary from state to state, but not by much.]

6) At what age can you drink alcohol in a bar or smoke cigarettes?
[In the US, the legal age for both of these is 21.]